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Page history last edited by gdarrall@mail.usf.edu 11 years, 10 months ago

Welcome to Current Trends in FL Education!

This is a real workspace!  Please edit this page, create new pages, and invite others to use this workspace with you.

The adminstrator of this Wiki is Adam Schwartz.  He is your course instructor.


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Your assignment and due dates:

WIKI entry (1) and edits (2). By WEEK 12 (12-16 November) students will have spent ample time reading widely and writing extensively on five key theoretical principles and developing their connections to current trends in teaching, learning and other educational innovations. Students will be required to author a PBWorks WIKI page on one such keyword.  A drafted page will be uploaded by the close of Week 12 (Sunday @ 11:59pm, 18 November), and a final version should be uploaded by on Week 13 (Sunday @ 11:59pm, 25 November). Finally, in the true spirit of WIKI, individual students will be required to append and constructively edit (READ: We’re not out to tear each other apart! Rather, we shall contribute to others’ knowledge bases) two other classmates’ pages. These edits should be submitted by Week 14 (Sunday @ 11:59pm, 2 December).


Requirements and other ins and outs.

  • Students can work individually or in groups (no more than 3, please).  
  • Each group will be responsible for authoring a short WIKI page and editing at least two other groups' pages.  Here's an example of a WIKI page, from WIKIPEDIA.  Here's another.  And another.  As you can see, WIKIs are like virtual encyclopedia entries.  They come in all languages, and may feature pictures, charts, graphs, scholarly references (scroll to the bottom of this page), and much more.  However, we might say that what makes a WIKI a WIKI are two things: (1) hyperlinks (underlined blue text) and (2) the ability to edit pages.  To clarify the latter, one can edit not only a page s/he authors, but also a page that s/he visits.  Editing is a prime example of how a community of learners can co-construct a knowledge source.
  • Your WIKI page should follow a particular template, with respect to content and organization.  Here is the template you should replicate.  Copy and paste this page, and then alter according to the keyword you've chosen.
  • As you put together your page, remember that you're writing not only with your classmates in mind.  This site will be available for future members of this class, and for other pre- and in-service teachers interested in pursuing current, trendy key concepts in Language Education.  


Here are the some of the key concepts that have been explored in this Wiki.   

The pages below were originally constructed by students from our 2011 class.


The pages below include contributions from the 2012 class.

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